Happy Holidays and "I vant to suck your blood."

"If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance" G.B. Shaw
...and thus begins the telling of the O'Neill Family Chronicles...
To celebrate our family...all of the unique, creative, humor filled, wonderful individuals who comprise our extended family network...past, present and future and to help us maintain our family bond especially as we extend around the country and the globe.
why has no one posted a comment yet? this is funny stuff...FUNNY stuff!
Just as I suspected....the Romanian IS a VAMPIRE! How else to explain the debonair charm? But ALAS, momahones have YOU also succumbed to the vampire spell...and now even to the point of attacking your PartnerInKrime!!! What IS the world coming to?!
LOL....these weren't EXACTLY what I had in mind when I was asking for postings of Christmas and New Year's pix!....but yes, they are FUNNY stuff!
...would've commented on your wonderful posting sooner but have been incommunicado and only JUST returned from bringing little kevvie to his first day of school!
LOL...and, cOm...so glad you were able to pick up a little extra freelance work posing for Translyvanian postcards!...glad you found a swimsuit too!
LOL...what can I say, Dev...the mind is always working and the thoughts just keep on coming!
...have I told you lately that I love you?
oopps...I guess that just proved your point!...you're right...I can't help myself...
oh my goodness....we JUST TODAY recieved the original of this postcard in the mail from Caitlin, Meghan and Tibi!!! Where's it been? Perchance hibernating with some bat in Draculas castle before being sent by carrier-bat??? LOL...and GREAT stamps with Dracula etc.
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