The Cali crew had a good time (although we missed Devin, sorry, thought you were in NY)!! Chris and I went to Kev's for din-din, which was excellent by the way. Rachel apparently has a "famous"lasagna, and it was AMAZING! Gary and his new girl, who is very cute and nice, came over as well as Kev's brooklyn crew and rachel's bro. We all went to a house party and it was fun!!Good times, too much dancing to Kelly Clarkson, but it was cool.It's super nice here this week, although it rained a bit on New Year's Day.....hope the rest of the fam had a good time. Happy new Year!!
Erin (you can also call me EBo)
With all of the fun, cold rain and snow here, I am starting to think that the Cali folks are some of the smartest of the bunch!
...proving JoAnne's belief that we should ALL move there (you Cali folks would like that A LOT...I know!).
Looks like a great time..thanks for posting the great pix, EBO! Wish we coulda tasted Rachel's "famous" lasagne.
Does Gary know that now that he's a "cousin" that any "significant others" have to be put to a vote of the majority???
ah, but alas, Dev, as Gertrude Stein said (of Oakland)..."there is no there there"!
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