Only a very good grandfather would get his nails painted for the first time! Ashley got LOTS of nail polish from Santa and spent Christmas day trying to paint everyones nails. Uncle Kevin some how got out of it!
"If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance" G.B. Shaw
...and thus begins the telling of the O'Neill Family Chronicles...
To celebrate our family...all of the unique, creative, humor filled, wonderful individuals who comprise our extended family network...past, present and future and to help us maintain our family bond especially as we extend around the country and the globe.
Nice manicure!
Are BOTH the Leonard men "girly men"?! Say it isn't so....Kevin groovin' in the New Year dancing to Kelly Clarkson and Jerry getting his nails done! What IS the world coming to?!
4:36 PM
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