Thursday, January 05, 2006

New Year's Cali Style

The Cali crew had a good time (although we missed Devin, sorry, thought you were in NY)!! Chris and I went to Kev's for din-din, which was excellent by the way. Rachel apparently has a "famous"lasagna, and it was AMAZING! Gary and his new girl, who is very cute and nice, came over as well as Kev's brooklyn crew and rachel's bro. We all went to a house party and it was fun!!Good times, too much dancing to Kelly Clarkson, but it was cool.It's super nice here this week, although it rained a bit on New Year's Day.....hope the rest of the fam had a good time. Happy new Year!!

Erin (you can also call me EBo)


Martin's said...

With all of the fun, cold rain and snow here, I am starting to think that the Cali folks are some of the smartest of the bunch!

kOm said...

...proving JoAnne's belief that we should ALL move there (you Cali folks would like that A LOT...I know!).
Looks like a great time..thanks for posting the great pix, EBO! Wish we coulda tasted Rachel's "famous" lasagne.
Does Gary know that now that he's a "cousin" that any "significant others" have to be put to a vote of the majority???

kOm said...

ah, but alas, Dev, as Gertrude Stein said (of Oakland)..."there is no there there"!