Mahoney Thanksgiving 2007 was wonderful. Though we missed Devin very very much (but YEAH, he'll be with us in a few weeks for Christmas!). We were blessed with the presence Caitlin and Meghan, Dave, our talented official T'day photographer, Kaya and Michael and Suzanne and Jonathon

Definite highlights to the day, in addition to the marvelous cuisine (compliments of head chef, Meghan....Pastry Chef, Dave...and well, EVERYONE...we had TONS of amazing dishes...including Southwestern Cornbread stuffing in honor of Luke...his stuffing made it though he was in absentia) included:
- Turning the fitness center back into the dining room;
- The assemble the new table/football spectator challenge;
- The first annual "Love Onion" toss (ed. note, I am corrected by Meghan in this, to wit, "It's the "Onion OF Love"..not the Love Onion...what, do you think it's the spawn of some hippie?") ;
- The first annual "Turkey Joint pull";
- Cowgirl bucking event;
- Touch football (the home team showed good etiquette by throwing the home court advantage);
- The Great Black Friday middle of the night shopping adventure;
- and last, but not least, the liesurely and most enjoyable post feast day brunch to close the festivities....a good time was had by all.....Did I forget anything, Team?
Thanks to all who joined us to make the day so wonderful....and love to all of our family and friends with whom we were not able to share this day...but who were ever present in our hearts and minds.

(above right) first annual T'day Turkey Joint Pull bottom right: post dinner cowgirl acrobat show
Top left: no leftovers for Simon J. Bear! (and before the comments start about how i love Simon best 'cause his photo is at top, I'm not that conversant in how to work all the posting bells and whistles....and apparently the last photos loaded appear at that's why!...and NO, cOm I do NOT love Simon best...lets review our reading comprehension (reference above)...have we had our heads stuck in the dissertation mire for too long?...though Simon IS very sweet).
Hope EVERYONE had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!
It's the "Onion OF Love"..not the Love Onion...what, do you think it's the spawn of some hippie?
so... you're saying you like simon best?
i dont know... that's what i retained from this post.
Great photos, Who is that Dog??
Happy Holidays to you all,
Sue and family....
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