Happy Birthday to our wonderful son! Cherish this day, Devin for it is a celebration of YOU and the wonderous gift you are to us...and to the world.
It's sunny and warm here today....unlike the day of your birth which was snowing...for the third day following a blizzard! Of course...now you're warm in CA pursuing your dream!
"human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but...life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves..." Gabriel Garcia Marquez
You inspire in the way that you've chosen to nurture your passion...to reinvent and continually give birth to yourself to live your dream and in having the "courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are" e.e. cummings
We love you and we cherish the gift that you've been and continue to be in our lives.
Mom and Dad
which one is devin?
I LOVE YOU, Devin and miss your visits as when you visited us all the time when you went to Siena. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Love, Grandma
A very happy birthday, Devin. I miss your visits when you came with your dirty laundry.
Love,aunt Pete
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Devin!
How old are you?
How is Flerna??????????
When are you coming home to play with us?
Christopher and Michael!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Dev....a day late but just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and wish you a very happy birthday and hope the new year is good for you.
Love Aunt Maureen & Uncle David
I bet Dad had nothing to do with that post.
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