I would just like to request that all of you please stop having babies. There was a time when I was not only the cutest baby in the world, but also the baby of this family and, perhaps, the most cherished among us in grandma's eyes.
I would therefore appreciate it if you would all stop having children to usurp my position (ahem...Jean, Corrie, Kelly...and don't go getting any ideas, Laurie!). That is all.
Thank you for your time and consideration and if you can think of any ways to remedy this matter, do let us know.
Yours in New Zealand,
Meghan O'Neill Mahoney
PS: I hope you all know that I'm joking and I'm very happy for you and your children (though I am a bit miffed that Kelly did not follow my advice and name her daughter Meghan). Also, check out my own blog which has been recently updated. Love you all!