Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Instant Karma; 'cause Genocide Sucks!

Re-posting this for Caitlin who's in N.Ireland advancing the cause of Peace. Her original post somehow got morphed into an earlier post with our wedding picture wishing us a Happy Anniversary. Now, as amusing as it is to see our wedding pix under the heading "Instant Karma; 'cause Genocide Sucks!" I thought this message deserved it's own posting. Check out the site at instantkarma.org, learn about the issues in Darfur, how you can take action to make a difference and listen to the great music on the player...maybe even order it...lots of tracks and good music!

I tried to insert the Instant Karma music player here from the site (http://www.instantkarma.org/InstantKarma.html) ...maybe one of you young technology savvy young'uns can figure out why it keeps telling me the "URL contains illegal characters"!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Thanks for the explanation. I was confused. I was afraid someone had hacked into your sight because the heading didn't make sense with your photo... and I knew it used to say Happy Anniversary ...