Hello one and all. Thanks to everyone for your posts, it's really been great to keep up with the fam while I'm gone! Since I haven't posted here in a while I thought I'd pop my e-head in to say hello. Kelly, congrats on being preggers and stuff and I presume that the child will be named after me. Kevin, congrats on the wedding and stuff and I presume the bride will be named after me.
I am currently in Cape Town right now, playing hockey and soaking up the sunshin, which is quite a nice mix. The people and atmosphere here are terriffic and I'm truly enjoying myself. Now, it took me way too long to update my own blog and since I'm utterly lazy, I will just give you that link, rather than retyping it all. So go to
www.meghanabroad.blogspot.com to learn about my recent goings on; there you will find such fascinating tales as my last weeks in Denmark, my trip to Italy, and my initial perspective of South Africa.
I'm sure you all miss me terribly, so good luck with that. Fortunately I'm always with myself so I never have to miss me, but I'm certain it must be very hard to deal with! ;)
Peace, love, puck,