We had a fun time in Disney...these pics are the breakfast at Cinderella's castle. Sleeping Beauty gave Ryan a big smooch!
"If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance" G.B. Shaw
...and thus begins the telling of the O'Neill Family Chronicles...
To celebrate our family...all of the unique, creative, humor filled, wonderful individuals who comprise our extended family network...past, present and future and to help us maintain our family bond especially as we extend around the country and the globe.
OOOOHHHH, Ashley and Ryan...how wonderful to have breakfast at Cinderellas Castle!....Ashley, you look like a Princess! and, Ryan, you handsome devil...you got Smooched!!!...LOL....can Ryan SEE the Smooch mark? ...Looks like he's looking CROSSEYED at it!
Corrie and Glen...thanks for posting these....How ADORABLE!
Grandma and Pete loved looking at these and at Kelly and Peter's Baby's shower pix!
Thanks again,
WOW How Neat....breakfast at Cinderella's Castle.....lucky kids!
Thanks for sharing!
Love Aunt Maureen
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